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Nagle-Immortal133x200If you’ve been curious about the Immortal Saga, now’s your chance to try book 1 for $.99!

Contemporary fantasy set in Albuquerque and northern New Mexico. It’s got elves. And vampires. And green chile. What more could you want?

What do you do if the most gorgeous guy you’ve ever seen asks for your help?

No brainer. Len Whiting is smitten from the minute she sees the stranger’s amazing eyes. She agrees to help Caeran find the healer he’s been seeking in rural New Mexico. What Len doesn’t know is that neither Caeran nor the healer is human: they’re immortal ælven, and they’re locked in an ancient struggle with the vampires who are their kin. Len wants Caeran’s love, and wants to help the healer find a curebut first they must cope with the bloodthirsty vampire who’s got his sights set on them all.

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